Thursday, February 27, 2014

Crossing the road safely.

Last week we went out to learn how to cross the road safely.
Mrs Henderson and the road patrollers helped us.

We learnt that we must wait behind the yellow line until the road patrollers tell us to cross.

We have to wait for them to say 'cross now'.

We must always remember to walk sensibly and not run.

 We must also carry a big ball in our bag or in a plastic bag.
Thank you for keeping us safe, road patrollers .

Special Terrific Person and Values Person Week 4

Room 10 Super Stars keep shining, as this week we have IJ as our Special Terrific Person for 'giving new challenges a go" and trying her best to present her work neatly. OB deserves the Values for displaying 'Courtesy and Good Manners' by being a very caring friend to others. We also have BM who received a certificate from the School Traffic Team for being patient and waiting behind the yellow line, before crossing the road.
Well done to all of you!
You are awesome!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Special Terrific Person and Values Person Week 3

Our Special Terrific Person this week is KJ. K has made a super effort with her written work, writing all the sounds she hears. Well done K. Our Values Person this week is AC who has been using her Manners and Courteous behaviour.
You girls are Awesome!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Special Terrific Person and Value's Person Week 2

Congratulations to our first Special Terrific Person for 2014, RL. R has started the year enthusiastically, giving her best in all her work so far. Congratulations also to AJ. A has been displaying our current value which is Courtesy and Good Manners.
Well done to both of you, you are Super Stars!

We Love Swimming!

The first Tuesday of school was our first swimming lesson with Wayne and Emily.
We learnt how to get in and out of the pool safely.


We also used the boards and with Wayne and Emily's help we floated across the pool and on our backs.

It was so much fun. Wayne is so funny that we couldn't wait for our next lesson.
Yeah, Baby, yeah!


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Hello and Welcome to our Blog from Room 10


Hello out there.
This is us, ready to learn and have fun along the way.
Our teacher thinks we are amazing, which of course we are.
From time to time, we will be showing you what awesome things we have been doing in our class.
So visit us regularly and remember to leave a comment.