Thursday, June 19, 2014

Special Terrific Person & Values Person Term 2 Week 7

Awesome work SB!
You have been working hard at writing the correct letter sounds in words and leaving spaces between words.
You are also our Values person this week which is Honesty.
You have been trustworthy and reliable, and have kept your word and tried your BEST with all your work.
Well done!! 

Monday, June 16, 2014

What is a leader?

Before we started our new inquiry topic about Leadership, we shared our ideas about what we thought a leader is.
This is our pre thinking, or what we call our Prestructual stage, where we need help with our thinking.

A leader is a boss. OM
Other people follow a person in front. RL
Someone who is at the front of the line. AJ
When you follow people. KJ
Leaders help people. JF
Someone who has a badge. BM
A leader dances and other people copy. OB
When other marchers follow behind. SS
A leader shows people how to drive a boat. IJ
My mum is a leader because she tells me when it's time for dinner. VL
When someone copies someone. AW
When someone is at the front of the line and other people are at the back. AA
Everybody follows him and nobody gets out of the line. WW
The leader goes in front and other people follow. CA
When someone follows the person in front. SB
You copy the leader. AC
My mum is a leader who tells me when it is dinnertime. LS
 Other people copy a leader. HH

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Special Terrific Person & Values Person Term 2 Week 6

Super job SS!! S has been learning the basic sight words from the first word list. 
She is on her way to being a Botany Downs BEST learner!!
Awesome work KJ! She is showing Responsiblity with her learning by always sounding out her letters when reading and writing and always trying her BEST.
You girls are awesome!!

Special Terrific Person & Values Person Term 2 Week 5

Awesome work CA! You have made a fantastic effort learning your letter sounds and using this knowledge when you are reading or writing.
Great work BM! You are starting to recognise letters and their sounds. You are a Responsible learner.
You boys rock!!

Special Terrific Person & Values Person Term 2 Week 4

Congratulations and well done to AW. A has been sounding out her words when reading or writing, and always presents her work neatly.
Good Job WW!. W is progressing with his reading, writing and math work.
He is a Responsible learner.
You two are Botany Down's BEST!!

Special Terrific Person & Values Person Term 2 Week 3

Congratulations to OB for learning her letter sounds and making super progress with her writing and reading.
You are awesome!
Well done to SS for taking Responbility for her learning by starting to recognise letters and their  sounds.
You girls rock!!

Special Terrific Person & Values Person Term 2 Week 2

Well done to WW for being this weeks Special Terrific Person. W has made terrific progress with his reading. Well done W!
You are awesome CA for being responsible for your learning! C is learning his letter sounds, which is helping him with his reading and writing.
You boys are 'giving things a go' to be the BEST learners!